Monday, December 27, 2004

The first post

I have been contemplating joining the blog community for some time now, and I guess I just felt like doing it today.
What to write about? Hmmmm, I need to be careful as I work in the tech sector, so I don't need someone from work getting offended, so I think I will pass on that. I could write about how I have this nasty cold that is driving me f-ing crazy. I hate getting sick. It slows me down too much. The only time being sick ever helps me was when I was in school and needed to study for an exam. You see, I have one of those brains that has to multitask. I cannot just do one thing at a time, as my mind moves too quickly to other topics. Some in the medical profession would call this ADD, ADHD or some other term to get one to take prescription drugs, but I look at it as an advantage. Parents should really allow their children to nurture this, rather than attempting to stifle it with drugs. I have done quite well, and much of it I can attribute to the fact that my mind can multitask. OK, back to what I was saying. Studying a single topic is a difficult thing for me, and when I am sick, I slow down to a point where my mind does not want to do ten things at once. So I can focus on text or formulas, and the exam it self. I think my best essays were written when I had the flu.
This time I am not happy to be sick, as it is a slow time of the year at work and I could be taking off early to climb, snowboard or even cross-country ski. But no, I am sitting here with a box or three of tissues blowing my snot box until I see brains. And what is with the amount of mucus that ones body can create. Seriously, can't my body find something better to do? Maybe produce muscle mass, increase my tendon strength in my hands, but please stop the mucus production. Hopefully this will pass quickly as I am scheduled to have lasik next week. More on that in another post. I am going for another cup of tea, and maybe some garlic spread.


Blogger Jason said...

First of all I'd like to welcome you to the community. I generally like to post after a few drinks. Seeing as you're sick, try blogging on Nyquil and see where imagination and liquid inspiration take you. Good luck on your blog.

December 28, 2004 at 12:21 AM  

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