Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Damn, I have been busy,

To those who read my blog, I am sorry that I have not updated in awhile. It seems that my company has started the new year at full steam ahead. So, by the time I get home, I don't feel like looking at a P.C.
Anyway tomorrow I am going to have Lasik. I am excited, but also quite nervous. You see, like any good doctor, or prescription drug commercial, I have been given a list of all the crap that can go wrong, i.e. blindness, holes burned in your head, diarehha, etc. Better yet, while I was at the doctors office, I was forced to watch a video on the procedure and all the risks, and given a quiz to take. To top it off, before the video began, the nurse put those drops in my eyes that cause them to dialate. What a great experience. As the video was playing, it slowly started to go blurry. Maybe they wanted me to experience a bad side-effect of the surgery. Maybe this is what it is like to do drugs (I never have). Of course, by the end of the video, I couldn't see crap, but I still had to take the quiz. So, being the studious patient, I took off my glassed, squinted real hard and circled the answers to the quiz (which were meant to tell you of the bad crap that can happen). I think I passed as the doctor said everything looked good. I then signed some papers which stated that I could not sue the doctor if he screwed up and cut off an arm or something to that sort and was on my way home. Now, I am not sure if this was too smart or not, but I drove 45 minutes home with my eyes super dialated, so everything was a blurred mess. I figured this wouldn't be too bad as most of the people of the road drive like they are blind too.
So, hopefully after tomorrow, 20 something years of glasses will be history. We can only hope for the best. By the way, for my few readers, I will not be able to blog for a week, so be patient.


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