Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Where in the world is John C.

Today I took John C to the airport for his exciting adventure to Greece. He seemed excited, and a little nervous (especially about forgetting something). I told him not to worry about it and that as long as he has a credit card and his passport, he will be fine. So he is off to the old world, and to make the next 8 days more interesting, I have decided to put out a little blogger challenge. Each day, on your blog, write a short post on where in the world is John C. I will be the first to start.

March 9, 2005
Today, John C has departed from the delightful Detroit Metro Airport to Athens, Greece on the very comfortable and high-tech Boeing 777. Right now, John is enjoying blissful conversation with a very nice elderly lady sitting to the right of him. She happens to be of foreign decent and has not washed herself in 5 days , but John tries not to take notice. To the right of John are two young children who have just finished off their eighth or ninth can of jolt cola, and have begun to feel the effect of their confines. John sighs as he realizes that he has another 3204 miles left in this flight, and that there is no possible way for either the lady to wash herself, or for him to throw the two children out of the plan. Fortunately for him, he knows that once he reaches his final destination, he will be rewarded for all of his patience. For now, he will just have to sit back, put on his head phones, listen to some music, and try to read about the culture of his final destination. Maybe he will get lucky and have a chance to get some shut-eye before his lay-over in London. For now he can only hope, and try to breathe through his shirt.


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