Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dinner a movie and weird fans

Tonight I had dinner with a friend, then we watched a dark comedy called My Life with Morrissey . It was funny, but really creepy in a stalker sort of way. After the film, we watched a bonus feature on Morrissey fans that was about as creepy as the movie itself.
The movie made me think about all the musicians/ bands that I really like, or have liked over the years, and if I would be willing to go to the lengths that some of these people did to meet an artist. I have met Jewel, Stephin Merrit, and the members of Luna, but I don't think that I would be willing to stalk them or go to their house. Sure, I have been to Serge Gainsbourg's grave in Paris, as well as Leonardo DiVinci's crypt, but only because I happened to stumble upon them while wandering on vacation -- neither was planned. In my many trips to New York, I have never seeked out Stephin Merrit or Dean Wareham. I did meet the lady who sang "Hey Mickey" in Hollywood once as I was meandering aimlessly about in my typical "I hate doing touristy things" fashion. She was really nice, realizing that I was really lost, and pointed me back towards my hotel. In general though, I just could not see myself being one of those "fans" that just follow or emulate an artist.


Blogger Kathleen said...

Did you spot BST in the Morrissey's fan piece? ;-)

February 15, 2007 at 1:28 PM  

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