Thursday, March 24, 2005

My excuse for being delinquent....

I feel bad that I have not posted in awhile, but things around here have been really hecktic and out of whack. As some of you may remember, I had an issue in my basement a month ago and since then, I have been in renovation mode. The most recent project was the plumbing upgrade, a necessity as my house is over 55 years old and still had the original galvanized water pipes. Now although they were not leaking, the corrosion inside of them had restricted the flow of water in the house by as much as 75% depending on whether it was hot or cold water. The most amazing thing about galvanized pipe is how much buildup happens over time. I saw one section of pipe that when held up to a light, you could not see through. This was probably the reason why the hot water in the first floor bathroom ran at a trickle. It now comes out like a torrential rain, which is good, as my wife will now be able to take a nice bath when she feels like it. Plus, I will not have to worry about the pipes bursting due to corrosion and age.
With the plumbing done, I am now tearing out a section of drywall in the basement so that I can insulate the wall and also run speaker wire. This will hopefully be completed by Monday, which will allow for me to sand and paint the walls the following weekend, install additional lighting, put up the new ceiling, and then install some new carpet. Once this is complete, it is on to the backyard.

My other excuse for being delenquent on my blog is that I have been working on a presentation that I am going to give in Boston on Wednesday for IBM. It is a pretty cool deal as they want me to discuss on my views of the advantages of storage virtualization from a customers perspective to a bunch of media. The nice thing is thast I only need to speak for 20 minutes and that they are flying me 1st class to do it. It also looks really good for both my company and my resume.

The final topic for this evening is my views on the Terri Schaivo right to die case. I personally believe that we should treat humans like we treat our pets. That is, to put them out of their misery when they can no longer live a self maintaining productive, and pain free life. I know that I would never want to live in a persistent vegatative state, draininig my family both financially and emotionally, nor would I want to be kept alive by machines. Let me pass away normally, with some dignaty. I see not dignity in the Terri Schaivo's life. And what is with the Republican party. Why do they need to interfere in this case by attempting to pass more legislation? These are the same people who keep saying that we need to let the states have more control, and limit litigation. Then they go out and pass some stupid bill to allow for more court cases. This is why we need to listen to Thomas Jefferson and overthrow the government every so often. This is why we need to never vote for that corrupt, right wing wacko Tom DeLay.


Blogger JulieU. said...

Update your blog...or else.

April 21, 2005 at 8:45 AM  

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