Friday, February 23, 2007

Orchid and more

Here is the latest on the orchid's blooming process. I figure by Sunday it will be in full bloom.
I didn't go into work again today as I barely got any sleep due to my cold. I swear, how does ones body produce so much snot in such a short period of time? I honestly think that I could have filled a 5 gallon bucket last night.
Of course, not being able to sleep got my mind going onto all sorts of things that I really did not need to contemplate. For example, here was my horoscope from Free Will Astrology:
In the coming weeks, you'll attract cosmic assistance whenever you add to your repertoire, branch out artistically or socially, or start gathering seed money for a project that may take years to ripen. Mythically speaking, the coming weeks will also be a good time to have intimate relations with a fertility god or goddess, and to plant magic beans that will grow into a beanstalk that reaches the sky. "Is that it?" you may be asking. "Nothing but good news?!" My only caveat, which is pretty minor, is that you might add a few pounds to your frame. If you're a hetero woman, that could be caused by a pregnancy unless you're careful.
I never understood horoscopes, and I am not sure if any of mine ever come true. What is it really saying to me, because I don't see any of that happening in my life anytime soon.
I also thought a lot about my empathy posting. Am I wrong to expect someone to try to put themselves into my shoes, especially someone who was extremely close to me? To me, it is the least they can do, but again, you cannot make anybody do anything they do not want to do.
Is it weird that I have been praying a lot? I am not the "church type," but over the past few months I really have been looking to God not only for answers but also serenity. Maybe God can only hear you in those buildings.
Time for a Motrin for my headache.


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